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I Dreamt I Walked This Earth

I dreamt I walked this earth Walked this earth as a ghost Not as a dead person But as a ghost Just observing I dreamt I walked this earth Not able to right wrongs Not able to change Change anything Just observing I dreamt I walked this earth Observing history happening Observing history being written Not being able to change it Just observing I dreamt a dream I knew I walked up four steps made of stone I opened two doors, walked inside I sat down in the corner of the pub Just observing I dreamt I saw two persons Two persons sitting in front of me One of them were me; a young me I knew what was in the small box on the table I knew what the answer would be I dreamt I walked this earth Walked this earth as a ghost I am glad I asked Even though I now know Know how the history ends

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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