I Do Not Have Time For That Nonsense
The child is out of control, angry, mad, mean.
Teachers have their theories about what the kid wants as a reward
For doing his work, to stay in his own space,
to leave his classmates alone to stop yelling.
They think he will want to eat lunch with the principal.
He will want to have extra computer time.
He will want to have a talk with the coach for ten minutes a week.
They come up with a list of one hundred things he probably wants.
One teacher asks the child. What does he want?
He wants his mother to put him on her lap and say she loves him.
The teacher calls the mother to put in the request.
The mother says “I don’t have time for that nonsense.”
The teacher thinks she is kidding, but she is not.
Where do they go from here?
Copyright © Caren Krutsinger | Year Posted 2019
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