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I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life John 14:6

"I am the way, the truth and the life, no man (or woman) comes to the Father except by me,"John 14:6*** In John 14:6 Jesus Christ clearly told His disciples that, "I am the way," meaning that He was the only way to the Father! There are no other pathways nor roads to the Father except through Him! We are not all headed to the same destination nor the same mountain top! He also declared that He was also the truth and there is no other other truth except Himself! There have been and there still are many false Christs that have already come in His name! Claiming to actually be Him and deceiving many and costing their followers their immortal souls! The closer we come to the ending of the church age, the more deceivers shall arise and deceive many! Until the final deceivers the anti-Christ and his partner the false prophet shall arrive on the world's scene after the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ! But prior to the Rapture and afterwards there will be a great falling away from the one true faith of Jesus Christ! But only after the Rapture of the Body and the Bride of Christ, will the man of sin be revealed! And not until then! In the same verse John 14:6 Jesus Christ also told His disciples that He was the life! Meaning He was the only way by which they could obtain everlasting life! There is simply no other name given among men (or women) by which we must be saved! The name of Mohammad nor his god Allah cannot save or redeem his followers. Mohammad's god Allah never rose from the grave nor redeemed his followers! The names of Buddha or the Deli Lama cannot save their followers! Buddha never did claim to either be divine nor desire to be worshiped! Unlike the Deli Lama which claims to be both! The Hindu Gods nor the New Age Gods can not save themselves nor their followers either! People who do not want to believe the truth, will be self-deceived by counterfeit truths, and lies! Because they refused the truth and in refusing the truth! Refused to dis believe the author of the truth, Jesus Christ! And in the end they will not only disbelieve the way, the truth and the life, they will come to despise the Holy Spirit! They will come to hate both God the Father and God the Son too! They will come to dispose both His holy church and His followers! "Behold I stand at the door and knock," Jesus Christ! All we have to do is let Him into our hearts' doors right away today! Praise the Lord! Roxanne Lea Dubarry Roxy Lea/ October Country January 30, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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