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I Am a Child of God and I Am My Brother's Keeper---

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Written by James Edward Lee Sr. & Curtis Moorman 2018©

Iron sharpens iron;
Stone matches stone;
We truly live together united here no we’re not alone;
And yes I am;
 My brother’s keeper;



I AM A CHILD OF GOD AND I AM MY BROTHER'S KEEPER--- What’s the matter in this here evil and wicked world? No cares no love for each other; Rather fight than hug or just hold hands; Jesus, when will you come I am so tired; Of being the one who’s always the peace maker; Of turning the other cheek; Of caring the burdens of my fellow man; Why, must I be so blessed sweet? As a child of God Knowing what I know I must follow Peace with my brother And even tho You may not love or except me I will always be Your brother I AM A CHILD OF GOD AND I AM MY BROTHER'S KEEPER Where is the sin than I’m accused of; Where are those sins that you yourself bore? And in each and every week, day after day; I fall on my knees and pray, (I say..) As a Child of God myself and knowing the same about; I (we) should leave no doubt; In the minds of that as such others, We are Brother's In Christ! We are brothers Iron sharpens iron; Stone matches stone; We truly live together united here no we’re not alone; And yes I am; My brother’s keeper; Amen We are Brother's In Christ! HALLELUJAH, PRAISE, AND THANKSGIVING! To God be the glory!" I AM A CHILD OF GOD AND I AM MY BROTHER'S KEEPER Of being the one whose always the peace maker; Of turning the other cheek; Of caring the burdens of my fellow man; Why, must I be so blessed sweet; As a child of God Knowing what I know I must follow Peace with my brother So if you’re heavy you’re still my brother; I love and care and pray for you often; So in this ending I find it a blessing; As a child of God Knowing what I know I must follow Peace with my brother I AM A CHILD OF GOD AND I AM MY BROTHER'S KEEPER Of being the one who’s always the peace maker; Of turning the other cheek; Of caring the burdens of my fellow man; Why, must I be so blessed sweet? Iron sharpens iron; Stone matches stone; We truly live together united here no we’re not alone; And yes I am; My brother’s keeper; Amen 11/29/18 Written by James Edward Lee Sr. & Curtis Moorman 2018© Based from inspired words by Curtis Moorman

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 12/1/2018 12:51:00 PM
The beauty of majestic artistry.. Good work souper
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