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Hymn For Georgie Radford

Sing a hymn for Georgie Radford Who used to build ships on the Clyde Watch them launch down the slipway With a worker’s quiet pride. His last job was the giant carrier, The one they put in mothballs, Then his dexterity slipped and He started having sudden falls . Early onset Dementia they said, Words to end his working life. They pensioned and retired him To to care of his loving wife. She watched him deteriorate, Saw him endure that subtle hell Of being confined in his mind Trapped in his own mental cell. She put up with the violence, Kept it hidden and unseen, Remembering in her love The man that had once been. Then came the stroke that Left him confined to his chair, Needing her constant presence Needing constant help and care. They sang a hymn for Georgie Radford Their family workmates and friends When his long years of torment Finally ground on to their end. She stood dry eyed at the funeral Remembering with love and pride Her once bonnie Georgie Radford Who’d built ships on the Clyde The children stood there with her As the mourners paraded by Each one muttering their words None looking her in the eye. She accepted their condolences Knew she been a dutiful wife But in her mind she felt relief Ready for the rest of her life. She missed her Georgie Radford But human memory is kind In time erasing all bad things From a slowly healing mind. She had grieved him in her way, As only the truly bereaved can, Forgetting the tortured wreck To recall the once healthy man.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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