How To Hug
If you don't know how to hug,
then this is for you.
It is a rhyming guide to lead you through.
Hugging is simple you see...
Comes as naturally as ABC or 123.
First thing that you gotta do,
is to look at the person you are standing in front of.
This can determine if it is one that you love.
Second off, take a step forward you see.
Hopefully, they will mirror you if not,
then by all means,
If you still need to continue,
then here's the next task.
Wrap both of your arms around them,
and make the hug last.
So now you know the steps of expressing your care.
But you must pass on you new knowledge,
for the whole world to share.
Copyright © Kenzie Frisch | Year Posted 2011
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