How Lady and Fluffy Became Buddies
Lady was my shepherd dog,,
she was so kind and gentle
except to chickens down the lane
when she broke loose from her kennel.
Let's turn attention to a breed
that came from Pomerania.
Queen Victoria for such dogs
was seized by a lifelong mania.
On canine matters I'll not stray..
Long lectures are so stuffy.
Rather, it's my firm intent
to describe a dog called Fluffy
She shares with Pomeranians
a propensity to bark
but still she wins the hearts of all
when I take her to the park.
A dream has just revealed to me
that Fluffy and Lady have met.
Oh how I feared the next event
would see poor Fluffy dead.
You 'll never guess what happened..
The two became best friends.
To heaven they flew on a fluffy cloud
and here my story ends.
Copyright © Julian Scutts | Year Posted 2023
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