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How I Yearn

whilst looking back oh how I yearn for when folk stopped and spoke awhile upon their face a friendly smile we passed the time of day oh how I wish oh how I yearn those halcyon days for to return as nowadays they pass you by never will they catch your eye for theirs is on a screen you see they will not look at you nor me somehow I feel invisible for me they simply cannot see their eyes they stare they are elsewhere alone inside their phone so sad ~ don’t you agree a smile ~ a chat bout this and that instead they walk head down they frown they almost walk right into me but even then they glare they stare as if I should not be there and with a sigh they bow their heads ignoring my “Good morning” I doubt they heard a single word on this new day a dawning Written 27th November 2022 A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE CONTEST NO 53

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 12/19/2022 3:29:00 PM
Hello Ann. Yes, folk seemed to be less scocial and always on their smartphones. But since this Covid kicked in I notice mroe people are caring and will smile and say hello. Tony.
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Gilmour Avatar
Ann Gilmour
Date: 6/26/2023 11:25:00 PM
yes I think you are right Tony, many thanks for your visit and sorry I have only just noticed I did not reply. My apologies and thanks. With kindest thoughts Ann
Date: 11/27/2022 12:29:00 PM
Sad how things have changed. You have shown it well :)
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Ann Gilmour
Date: 11/27/2022 3:17:00 PM
Thank you so much Heidi so lovely to hear from you and yes it is so sad how everything has changed and not for the better. I hope you are keeping fit and well Heidi. With kindest thoughts Ann xx

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