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How I Really Feel

I used to believe that I could not go a day without your smile. The proverb gives an inch, She wanted a mile. The day arrived, it was hard, The next was harder. The sun went away, My world grew darker. I knew that sinking feeling would Stay a life time. I now understand why They say love is blind. Losing you is not an event that happens once it occurs over and over. I hit rock bottom, I could Not sink any lower. I lose you every time, I think about you. I'm red with rage or Deep dark blue. I lose you every time I drink a cup of tea. I lose you every time I see an amputee. I lose you when I see A chevron gas station. My world full of regret And devastation. I lose you when, I hear music, It is no longer therapeutic. I lose you when I see a Dark haired boy. I truly believed you were The real Mc coy. I lose you every time I See a woman or a girl. When you loved me, It was out of this world. I lose you when I'm In a store. I lose you every, seven - twenty-four. I lose you every night when I lay alone in my bed. I lost you when I was alive, I lose you when I'm dead. I lose you every day, My heart will never heal. I wish you knew, How I really feel. Turbo1904 ?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 3/19/2022 11:54:00 AM
Hello Debbie Middaugh, oh, I feel your pain of a loss. The heartache is strong. You have a deep true loss for this person. Blesings my friend. Blessings my friend.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 3/19/2022 3:39:00 PM
It is now 6 years past since my husband passed. I am stronger now, I have moved on. Ready to begin again. Glad to hear you are doing better now. You are welcome Debbie. Hugs.
De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 3/19/2022 3:37:00 PM
Hello Debbie, It is normal to feel pain in your emotions. I did a lot of crying to My body shook I have been there. I chose a poem from one of the poets and read it until I healed. It helped me a lot. My body shook when I cried. I thought i would break.
Middaugh Avatar
Debbie Middaugh
Date: 3/19/2022 2:53:00 PM
Hello Darlene, I feel pain and my emotions. Every time I write down poems, I heal another part of me. My goodness I'm better than I used to be. I would cry for days. I have not shed a tear in over 4 months. Thank you, I enjoy the conversation with you....

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