How Do They Do It
When sucked into a novel,
What I think, as I glide through it,
Is how, oh how, I’d love to ask,
How did the author do it?
Creating all the characters
And scenes, like someone drew it,
It’s hard to wrap my mind around –
How did that writer do it?
The tricks within the story line,
The clues we’d not intuit,
Are so amazing I am stumped –
However did she do it?
The finished product, like a gift,
When critics did review it,
Deserved each glowing accolade –
Oh man, how did she do it?
If writers share a secret code,
I really wish I knew it,
‘Cause I would write a novel, too,
If I knew how to do it!
(I'm reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn)
Copyright © Ilene Bauer | Year Posted 2013
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