How Do I Know
You can't do anything my friend
Even forcing yourself to change your thinking
The minute fact of what you see
creates a force in you
that brings about your thinking
And you think it's wrong
And want to change it
Can you change it?
But only God can change it
He can say yay
Or He can say nay
Isn't that funny?
We are so gunho about thinking that we own our thoughts
Didn't we know that He owns everything?
- including our thoughts
He can change
He can wane
Make you feel not at ease
Until you correct it
And who corrects it?
So don't think you can do anything
Or you are going to be proven for sure
The Lord of this world knows what He is doing
And that's including you
But only to the extent that He lets you know
So don't be conceited
And think you can do anything
You can't do nothing
And that's the bottom line
Did I just mean you can do anything?
Copyright © Toquyen Harrell | Year Posted 2017
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