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A  paean to those who wrok hard for a living and do exceptional work but never get any glory!

My house smells Of furniture polish, Of floor cleaners and wax The rugs are free of dog hair And the kitchen sparkles. There are clean sheets And a gleaming tub, And the floors shine! I, older now and Never the best housekeeper, Bow down to the hard working Women who come and Scrub and vacuum and polish, Often singing as they work, Who leave my house Once again, clean and Comfortable, and best of all, Smelling sweet and fresh!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/14/2021 5:56:00 PM
Ah, the joys of having a housekeeper. Deb always insisted on one, and I have kept up the practice. They accomplish in an hour or two what it would take me a week, if it ever got done! Don't you just love a clean-smelling house...even if you're not expecting smells good for you!
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Barbara Peckham
Date: 8/14/2021 7:08:00 PM
The last two yeas or more when my husband was in such poor health I had cleaning done every two weeks, and I certainly loved it! Now I live in a senior residence, and we get "light" housekeeping. Doesn't hold a candle!!

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