Hope You Enjoyed
I hope you have enjoyed my words from transcended
Being, life and energy translated into spoken word
And metaphors, which is plural cause their mended
Constantly wilded from inside the cypher of a winged
But the truth is the doctors have fed me meds
Since I was a kid to keep out My creative doctrines
Three times I Was reprogramed by what majority said
And now comes the fourth forced mental ends
How many cycles for the numeric phalicy
The one and million American anti political
Cause two ideas to lead the world is war And chalice
Greed of the few.
That don't concern the working man but killed his son.
So if I don't survive the fourth ride
Remember I spoke my words true
They always came back to my side
no matter what They took of you.
Copyright © Shawn Gorsick | Year Posted 2011
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