Hope Is the Most Powerful Force of the Universe
Its light keeps the flame burning in my heart,
Its warmth bids me to embrace foggy dawns
And its very name
Allows me to dance even during rainy days
Without it,
Pray, what would we have turned into
Without its shine upon our breath,
If not,
Into empty oceans devoid of marine life,
Or into silent forests deprived of birds' songs
Or even into deaf people hearing not all around us,
Music, pure and celestial, emanating from
The realm of angels!
Hope is the most powerful force in the universe
And for it to be revered,
I summon my muse,
To reward me with a vision of its glory
As it pulses in the very core of our existence,
Since it is that which we all carry in us
As our blessed crown,
And it is that which we use
To work out spells and charms in our daily life!
Hope is my most precious jewel,
A gem brought forth to me
By a determined lover having crossed seas
And climbed mountains
Just to prove his love to me!
And for it to keep burning,
I shall read this verse out loud to the messenger of love,
The moon, knowing that it shall scatter my words
Everywhere in the cosmos!
Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2022
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