Hope Held Hostage
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Well folks. It’s been a while.
The beginnings of this came to me when I first heard the guess who sing “she’s come undone”
Recently the speaker at a conference spoke about hope. I remembered.
Some darker hours from my even darker past.
This was titled
“Hope held Hostage”
When Hope is held hostage from the Son.
In a world that’s somehow come undone.
Breathlessly frozen,
Always on the run. Hope,
Held ransom from the Son.
Like a leaf in the sky.
You fall but can not fly.
World come undone.
Come and gone,
And now,
You’re all alone.
And when the wind starts to blow,
Bringing neither Hope nor snow.
The leaves lifeless on the ground,
Can neither mourn nor groan.
Like a rider in the darkness,
You don’t see the trail you leave.
You thought the shadow from the new moon,
Covered your deceit.
Why can’t you feel,
Why can’t you cry,
Why can’t you live,
Why can’t you die?
The beauty of the colour of the leaf,
Only proves it’s disconnected and deceased.
Bit your lip to keep from lying.
They put pennies on your eyes.
But the penny tastes just like the blood of all the soaking lies.
Just like the old song says...
Nobody sang the day the music died.
They just admired the beauty,
Of the falling leaf.
Separated from the life pulse of the tree.
But then what were we trying for?
When winter cane knocking,
I shouldn’t have opened the door.
You kept a secret for a friend and that friend only,
Now ain’t it funny how the secrets make you lonely?
And no matter how fast you run.
The end is still gonna catch you son.
In a world,
That’s come undone.
Without the ransom,
Paid by the Son.
Copyright © Kelly Crenshaw | Year Posted 2019
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