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Hope Floated To Her (Sequel To My Hope Still Floats)

Upon the lands, so wishing venture The light of love’s a beacon of hope For I will come, I’m so indentured Together, life, we’ll learn to cope The rain subsides now on my vessel My hands grasp firmly on the wheel The ship, with sea, no longer wrestles As now I know a future, real My prayers were answered, sure and true I’ll come to you, this now I say My prison, sea, it held with fury My heart set free, I’m on my course My love is strong, to not be buried As you became my guiding force Oh, stand on shore, wait my arrival I’ll be there with you in short a time You are the reason for my survival If lost, then that would be the crime For losing you was not an option With you then, my heart’s bells chime

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 10/16/2008 10:40:00 AM
This is one of the finest pieces of literary work that my eyes have witnessed. A one in a million, a lottery ticket winner. I am amazed. Michael Torres. Make sure you tell everyone to read the first poem and make this the sequel or what ever you do is fine with me justkeep writing. Awlsome........................
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Date: 10/16/2008 10:36:00 AM
Bravo Bravo Bravo Michael you have hit a homerun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 This is fantastic the second sequel thank you for writing. This is a masterpiece. It will go down both of them as my ultimate favorites. This will not loose any contest. This is a remarkable piece. Congratulations my friend. This is the the kind of write I strive for you have made me a fan of yours. God bless you and copyright this one. Michael
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