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Hope Poetry Contest
10th February 2022
Sponsored by - Mohan Chutani
In this day and age, when happy seems vacant
Where people’s hopes appear forever distant,
It’s the little things that see you through the day
Often it seems, in the most trivial way.
A simple smile might spice up your day
Maybe an ‘hello’, said in a friendly way
Or a driver, who lets you pull out in front,
Or the boss who’s ill, you would normally confront.
To stumble across a coin, when you’re stony broke,
Bump into an old friend, when it’s years since you spoke,
Receive some flowers, right out of the blue
Or complete the crossword you thought you could never do.
Wake up with the thought - ‘it must be Monday’,
Only to then realise, actually it’s Sunday,
Or a kiss from a loved one, with an ‘I love you’
There’s no greater act that anyone can do!
It’s the little things that can give you hope
A gentle ‘pick me up’ when it’s hard to cope.
Whatever it is, that brightens your day
We must conclude- ‘it’s surely god's way!!’
Copyright © Ronald D Thompson | Year Posted 2022
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