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Hook Line and Sinker Just Sheep

Don't you see? Little Lamb! What the greedy wolves have done... Tagged and bagged the followers, they stray but they can't run Put them in the line-up so the biggest sheep can choose Which ewe gets the good life...Which ewe gets the screws Don't you hear? Little Sheep! Get what you crave and more But a chance at the life dangling there isn't whats in store! The proverbial carrot lures you in, smells of sweet success Take a nibble and you're caught! 'Slave Forever...Death!' Servitude for the paycheck, perfected long ago Created by a Smart Sheep, to keep his lambs in tow ...Bait... Show them all the pretty things..."An Important Sheep 'must' have!" Convince them, they can have it all, with help from a Smart Sheeps plan ...Hook... To claim all their material wealth Be "The Ram" and The flock's envy "Follow my instructions" (Sell your soul to me) ...Line... "Just do this (menial) job for me, in exchange for (menial) pay Go buy those pretty things you want! (Sign your life away) What!? Can't pay it all? No worries...Pay next week! Add a little for my interest!" (Then your mine! Up s**t creek) The gullible lamb jumped up and down, excited for his new life Ran to the mall and bought it all. But, 'The Ram' (never saw the knife) And...Sinker! The plan went great for Smart Sheep, but The Ram, couldn't carry this load of debt Owing most his pay to minimum due, for his long-hard labored sweat The Ram now saw he sold his soul and tried to run away...But The debt was secured to be paid with his life...So 'The Lamb' went to the Smokehouse, that day! Buying (unnecessary) things on credit, with a menial job on minimum wage Commits you to a life...Dodging the creditors' cage The interest-free, pay later trap...Feeds all the biggest sheep Filling their fat bellies on the lambs in which they feast They line their deepened pockets, with the wool cut from your back For they only 'eat' the slaughter, their clean hands swing no ax They own the wolves and smart sheep, that tend to their next meal Bought and paid for, by extortion...The "Servitude for Protection" deal Ha! Look around you Sheep. The wolf in sheep's clothing...Baaed Tsk tsk! Little Lamb! Stop following!...You were better off, all you had. Don't you care? Can't you care? Won't you ever care? No!!? It's "our" little lambs futures sacrificed, the more and more we owe! But... We all continue grazing, in the wretched blood-stained grass Moving on to greener pasture... Behind the wolf, when he comes, en masse.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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