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All started when Victor Kugler is at the office And hears noise at the stairs open the door seeing a German uniform. The train of death in between the silence of the landscape transporting human beings is leaving from the station. The train of death is riding in between the country side carrying goods and prisoners of war is 8 August 1944. The train doors are close 8 people are in. Ana looks outside the train stop. She became 15 and got presents at the behind house and that last page is dated 1 august 1944 The train is riding with Margot The noise is loud in Amsterdam The silence noise is loud in Germany, home was Holland in 1934-1939, and Zandvoort summertime with Mrs: Schneider and at the Montessori school. There is war and occupation then the capitulations and the law that was each Jew most wears a star. That’s how Ana frank and her family Arrived in Holland The collaborators members of the NBS the Dutch Nazi party had in 1941 this national socialist movement 100.000 members and 20.000 Dutch served the German army. Against the Russian front at the oostfront because the Nazis wanted every Jew out of Germany. In 27 January 1945 freed by the Russian found but 7.650 people alive Otto frank is one of them And almost 6 million Jews were exterminated Under the holocaust That means in Dutch: bran doffer, shoah (of sjoa) catastrophe, ramp The winter of 1944/45.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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