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Holiday's Roadside Wreckage

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Ah, the holiday season…that time when parading about with gifts most can’t afford and accepting gifts knowingly given with agendas attached.  Tis the season to be cautious, lest one starts to believe their own masquerade.

Holiday’s Roadside Wreckage by Odin Roark To live as you’re not To be who society massages you into being To succumb to counterfeit identity Is to skid into mere roadside wreckage. We pass such rubble all the time The defective and or mismatched parts of authenticity Merging with Nature’s roadkill Decorated by gum wrappers Festooned by beer cans. Sadly… Few anticipate the accident, The head-on collision with reality, Where darkness and tears Become the black ice of misfortune. Still… Some will slow down enough to see when they look, Realize that reason and logic’s purpose Is to reveal the highway shoulders and ditches’ necessity, Irony’s off-road demise for make-believers Careening unconscious down life’s highway. Roadside wreckage… Unrewarding scenery made repetitively prophetic Until we take the time to recognize and live compatibly With who we really are.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 12/9/2014 5:25:00 PM
Enjoyed this poem, Odin. Nicely put together and insightful, making me think that it's hard to stay out of the ditch.
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