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Holiday Delight

Just for the Holidays so sweet It is the perfect Christmas treat To make this special cake so fine Just use this recipe of mine Unbleached flour pure and white About eight ounces is just right A little butter, a six ounce stick Four large eggs then stir it quick An ounce of almonds blanched and split Then add some currants in with it Add some raisins both dark and white With baking powder to keep it tight Some extra cherries if you should feel Then add an ounce of pure mixed peel One whole lemon both pulp and rind Get condensed milk, the sweetened kind To make your guests a little frisky Add a dash of good scotch whiskey Grease a pan with Pam so nifty And heat the oven up to three fifty Stir your mixture ‘til it’s nice and thick Spread it in a pan so smooth and quick Then take tinfoil and seal the dough And bake it for an hour or so Take it out and open it up And pour your milk into a cup Brush the milk so smooth and sweet On top of your delicious treat Then bake it for ten minutes more And use a toothpick to check it for The perfect “doneness”, that’s the rule Then take it out and let it cool And after it has cooled a while The smell of it will make you smile For Holidays you just can’t beat it So cut a big ole slice and eat it

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 6/7/2010 7:01:00 AM
Congratulations on your well deserved win in Linda-Marie's Dreamy Desserts contest Stephen. Love, Carol
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Date: 6/7/2010 6:45:00 AM
As a poem it flows beautifully. As a cake it sounds terrific. Congrats on your success in the contest. BG
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Date: 6/6/2010 9:01:00 PM
Wow! I may have to try to make this one as it sounds terrific! Congrats on your win in the contest. Dan C
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Date: 6/6/2010 8:34:00 PM
Congrats on the win
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Date: 6/6/2010 2:56:00 PM
Yum yum. Do we have to wait until Christmas? Congratulations on your win with decliciousness. Love, Joyce
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Date: 6/6/2010 2:50:00 PM
oh yummy! Thanks for the recipe, Stephen--very cleverly done too :) --congrats on your win with this :) --nikko :)
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Date: 6/6/2010 1:13:00 PM
Congrats Stephen on your winning poem in my contest.. this was a true holiday delight to read right now.. thankxxx for supporting my contest.. with luv.. Linda-Marie..
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