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Holiday Card Scramblers

“holiday” card scramblers seen them “holiday” card scramblers heads down, frantically shuffling fingers through the leftover scraps of the rush from last week, from the weeks before, from that crazy ****ing black friday--- complaining & spoiled college brats home from sucking on a bong, ****ing 24/7 & “studying,” procrastinating boyfriends & husbands who put off everything till’ that last crucial minute, running their fingers through their dwindling hair follicles--- daughters with their friends chuckling under their breath about the idiosyncrasies that both their mom’s exhibit, bumping heads in that quick crouch down to grab that last pseudo-funny card, the one that is supposed to say “i care,” but at the end of the day who is being fooled? probably, most importantly, you!---for you be shelling out the moola for the card that will eventually coast on down to the bottom of that round filing cabinet, just beneath the old orange peels & the empty bag of potato chips. knew a guy who stopped buying cards years ago, seeing no point, “all they do is throw them away anyway” he’d say & the guy was on to something, but you know the stigma that you’d receive if you didn’t show up on said “holidays” with a card that revealed a little prewritten comment that 10,000 or more other people go on the same exact day, with the same exact graphics, the same exact art, the same exact envelope… & it’d just be such a shame if you didn’t get a piece of that fruitcake that much like those who would condemn you serve much more purpose as a silent, rotting doorstop, than anything else.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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