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Holi For School Assembly In Alliteration

Holi, a hearty enthusiastic festival in horizon Colours curdling, water washing every moron; Out of us evil ever going and playing on Land of character cherished by coloured lawn. What a scene to see! Gracious glory gone If you miss this mesmerizing festival upon A folly. Foolish will be called such a conn. Holi, a hearty enthusiastic festival in horizon Holy played in school is highly pleasing crayon, For Kinar, Aayushi, Kunal. Aryan or John. Monorhyme has one colour, holi many micron. Mital, Mitesh, Vaikhu, SIddhu, Saurabh are don. This day even principal thinks to prevent throne And join joy with teachers - see anxiety thrown. Holi, a hearty enthusiastic festival in horizon Songs, screams; dance, D.J.; homage and hymn on; This day with Holika heavy burdens and sins thrown. Cruel Hiranyakashyapa was killed; glory was won. Kunal, Arpita, Sandeep, Amit and Shreyas on lawn Play water and colours with cool Pari’s scone In Jalgaon, Agra, Kanpur, Karanja, Surat or Bonn. Holi, a hearty enthusiastic festival in horizon

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 9/16/2019 12:59:00 PM
A wonderful piece so full of beautiful imagery - well done! Best regards. Pandita
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Date: 12/12/2017 5:46:00 AM
I remember this festival well. You have described the colourful scene vividly. Your poem flows very smoothly....Maria
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Williams Avatar
Maria Williams
Date: 12/13/2017 4:30:00 AM
I was born in Bombay - now Mumbai and moved to Chennai when I was five...Maria
Jain Avatar
Sanket Jain
Date: 12/12/2017 6:23:00 PM
Thanks dear. You are cordially invited to my mother land especially to my place Surat to celebrate this colourful festival with us. I live in Surat, Gujarat, India. And again Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.

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