Hny 2023
It's nolonger a matter of chatter
Folk better walk the talk
No man can tether the weather
But can save himself some stock and flock
Gather honour for the Heavenly Father
His fire to stoke and to wear His cloak
So that as the year will further, His blessings will lather
Best wishes though just but wishes
May they come true to you, you and certainly you
May you tread without leashes and swim like fishes
That much you may do and profit too
Take what life teaches and what devotion reaches
Eat of the year's bread and stew, drink of its rivers and dew
Have all that the heart cherishes and the mind relishes
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023 ????????
K. Muitherero
Copyright © Kennedy Muitherero | Year Posted 2022
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