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History In Poetry-

HISTORY IN POETRY REMEMBER, REMEMBER THE 5TH of NOVEMBER. The world still remembers Mr Guy Fawkes, who plotted to blow up the House of Lords. Tortured, guilty of treason, the story is told how he cheated The Hangman; he jumped off the scaffold. A broken neck did not appease the Crown, who hung and quartered all foes of renown. In response, a decree that all people remember the failed plot; a holiday, for the 5th of November! Children hunt while mothers groan, ‘Why can’t we be left alone? All we want is a place to rest, But all we hear is, ‘Where’s Grandpa’s vest? You want those old trousers I threw out, and those old shoes, with their soles half out? If I threw them out, then they’re no good, So please be quiet you know you should.’ ‘We won’t be noisy; we will be good. We’re looking for two long bits of wood.’ ‘Hey Mum, we found these sticks, in the bombed out houses. Can we have Dad’s old coat; and those old trousers?’ Stuffed with paper, gosh, he’s fat! The bonfire’s ready, but where’s Guy’s hat? Oh there it is, stuck fast in that briar, Now Guy Fawkes was ready for our street’s Bon-Fire. We couldn’t bother Mum, and Dad was at his works, but, we needed money to buy fireworks. ‘Penny for the Guy, Mister,’ we called outside the shop, ‘we must have some crackers when we put him up top.’ Bangers and Jumping Jacks, were thrown on the ground to give a fright and a scare as all dodged around. There were bottles with rockets that fly to the sky. There were hands in pockets; warm and dry. The flames rose high, we could see through the fire. The Guy stood up on his funeral pyre. He cannot jump off that pile of wood; he’s tied tight to the chair that used to be good. On the chair’s legs, we all scratched our names, And remember the reason as it goes up in flames. Guy Fawkes, on barrels of gun powder; a patsy for the treasonable reasons of Robert Catesby. Remember, remember the 5th of November not for the gunpowder, the treason or the plot. Betrayed, found guilty, Fawkes cheated being slaughtered. By the government who wanted him drawn and quartered, but Guy Fawkes? He died his way, whether they liked it or not.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 2/8/2024 1:52:00 AM
Thanks for sharing this... exposing your thoughts through your unique poetic style. Meanwhile, I greet you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Be blessed.
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Date: 1/28/2016 1:19:00 PM
j, enjoyed reading your poem, Please keep writing and sharing your poetry. XOX -- LINDA --
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Date: 9/9/2015 3:05:00 PM
J Eliza, thank you for sharing. A pleasure to read... SKAT
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J Eliza James
Date: 9/9/2015 8:37:00 PM
Hello Skat A, thank you so for reading my words and making contact. It's been a long time between visits. I will read your poetry whilst I'm here today and play a little catch-up. Lovely to meet you here, jEliza also known as Worddancer
Date: 1/6/2015 10:53:00 PM
J Eliza: Thank you for keeping Mr Guy Fawkes alive and showing me a direction. Jim Ranahan
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J Eliza James
Date: 1/7/2015 12:25:00 AM
Lovely Jim, 'pleased you found it. If we forget his story or any history, it can happen again. So we must make sure there is no mystery whether in government or on combat terrain. You are a night owl! It's Wednesday here! cheers
Date: 1/1/2013 2:27:00 PM
J Eliza , making an appearance on the soup today. Only 2 wish you this coming year to be a glorious one in which rewards all your future poetry with success. I love the time I took out of the first day of the year. 1-1-2013* :-) Just to wish you the best of 2013. Take care my dear poet friend. PD
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Date: 10/30/2012 6:39:00 AM
great write J
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J Eliza James
Date: 10/30/2012 5:21:00 PM
Thanks for reading, Richard, happy you thought it worthy of a comment, jEliza
Date: 3/15/2012 11:45:00 AM
Congratulations on your well deserved win J Eliza. Love, Carol
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Date: 3/14/2012 10:05:00 PM
Thank you for your entry into my contest, Eliza, and congratulations on its win. I especially enjoyed the last stanza. Good tribute piece and I liked the way you strung everything together. Again, thank you, Cyndi
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J Eliza James
Date: 3/15/2012 12:15:00 AM
Thank you Cyndi, and thanks for holding the contest. I will drop by and read the other great entries as well. Eliza

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry