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History and I

History is the view of the far past in the present Yet no present is without a past Though the future looms before us Yet nothing is new under the Sun. Anything that is, has been before. The present is life"s linkage to the future. A future without the present is the present without a history. The history of my people defines their pre-existence The Nok terracotta, the relics, pieces of potters, are landmarks of a skilled civilization only being unearthed now. The history refires their potentials. History is you standing on thresholds of generations, Whose genealogy has been lost. You are the oral custodians that generations have longed to express. A people without a history is a people without a future Is a people without generational synergy A people with traceable history have a future predicated on a great past. (Written on the 9th of March, 2015)

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