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His Name Is Jesus

Who was this man who spoke so bold? Was He a prophet, like one of old? He touched the lepers, made them clean, Gave sight to those who had never seen. His name was Jesus. Who was this man who calmed the sea, And from demons set people free, Who loved to watch the children play, And often slipped away to pray? His name was Jesus. Who was this man who loved the sinner, And often met with them for dinner? Self righteous leaders were distressed, But this man was not impressed. His name was Jesus. Who was this man who raised the dead, Who fed five thousand with five loaves of bread? He healed the lame so they could walk, And loosened muted tongues to talk. His name was Jesus. Who was this man, falsely accused, Mocked and beaten, cruelly abused? The Romans nailed Him to a tree, While His own refused to set Him free. His name was Jesus. Who is this man who conquered death, Who rose again filled with God's own breath? His hands and feet scarred by the nails, Reveal His love that never fails. His name is Jesus. His name is Jesus, God's only Son. He gave His life for everyone. To those who call upon His name, He grants salvation, erases shame. His name is Jesus.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/20/2023 7:04:00 AM
Congratulations on this poem making it into the anthology! We know Him! We know Him - but many do not. He is famous: He healed the sick, fed the poor, conquered death and even more offered life, forevermore. His name is Jesus! Let hearts open and believe! God bless!
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Date: 8/5/2023 4:36:00 PM
I love this so much more than I can say. It is so amazing!!! Definitely faving it and wish I'd read it sooner. I don't remember but if I had, I think I would have remembered. WOW and triple wow. I love this just love it! God bless you friend. Love, Gina
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Kim Merryman
Date: 8/5/2023 7:25:00 PM
I'm so glad you liked it, Gina! Thank you for your encouraging comment! Blessings, Kim M
Date: 7/14/2023 1:33:00 PM
Thank you for writing and sharing this, Kim. It is a lovely expression of many highlights of Christ's time on earth, and why He came. A beautiful blessing to read this today ~ John
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Kim Merryman
Date: 7/22/2023 4:19:00 PM
Thank you, John! I'm glad it blessed you!
Date: 7/5/2023 9:27:00 AM
I am very sorry as I am ineligible to comment for this poem for two reasons- 1. I find no words to describe its greatness. 2. I am after all an ordinary man and here the Lord is worshiped. So I give up by bending my knees!
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Kim Merryman
Date: 7/7/2023 9:36:00 AM
Thank you, MV, for your comment. I am humbled by your response.
Date: 6/23/2023 2:32:00 AM
Thanks for sharing your faith through your excellent poetic style. God bless you.
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Kim Merryman
Date: 6/23/2023 7:12:00 PM
Thank you, Beata!
Date: 6/20/2023 12:41:00 PM
Love this treasure you wrote Kim a favorite...
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Kim Merryman
Date: 6/23/2023 7:12:00 PM
Thank you, Michael! I'm so glad you liked it!
Date: 6/15/2023 8:14:00 PM
Tears in my eyes as I read this beautiful poem Kim. Mahatma Gandhi said ''I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'' I wish we could all have the love in our hearts that Jesus did. This is definitely a Favourite Kim. I sincerely hope it makes POTD. It deserves to.
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Kim Merryman
Date: 6/23/2023 7:11:00 PM
Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I'm so glad you liked my poem.
Date: 6/15/2023 7:32:00 PM
Kim, great inspirational verse. Step by step of His faith in His Father. Kim, I hope you have read my Soup Mail for your permission form in using your Nursery Rhyme poems for the second book. Please let me know. Hugs Eve
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Kim Merryman
Date: 6/23/2023 7:10:00 PM
Thank you, Eve!
Date: 6/15/2023 1:42:00 PM
Hi Kim, I know we are a soup of poets from different cultures and religious beliefs but this is a lovely poem where you share your walk with Christ. I also grew up in the Christian faith and strive to do that walk of faith. Have a wonderful day dear poet.
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Kim Merryman
Date: 6/23/2023 7:10:00 PM
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, Nancy! I appreciate it!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry