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Heros of the Night

Where is the dough you earn tonight Lets not argue, lets not fight You know the score You know what in store Just need the dough to start the show I don't give a darn where you go You are my hero of the night Where am I going to sleep tonight Those empty houses, this empty sight Got to get some rest Pass my daily test There is no harm, trying to be warm Sheltering from the cold, wind and storm I am, yes I am, a hero of the night Where is the trouble gonna be tonight Got to stop the aggro right on sight They pay us well To drive drunks to hell Got to keep on the beat Listening on the fleet We are, yes we are, heroes of the night Hey Mr Dj, whats on tonight I hear you are a friend of Barry White So play me a track Anything from the rack Just keep laying it on I am having so much fun Seeing seeing my baby on the run You are,yes you are, my hero of the night.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 12/19/2012 7:10:00 PM
Lovely read ....Seren
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