Heroes Every One
Heroes, every one.
They came in a trickle and then a flood,
To enlist in the forces to do some good.
They were turned from ordinary men,
Into frightening fighting machines.
Farmers, millers, tailors of clothes
Butchers, bakers, they came in droves,
They rallied at depots throughout the land,
Now ready and able waiting for the command.
To theatres of war, battalions deployed,
Generations of men, leaving villages void.
Leaving women and old men to watch their back,
Defending the realm from an enemy attack.
Battles raged across the world, the land was red,
Before it all ended there were millions of dead.
War graves across the ravaged lands cry out,
Here lies a hero that no one may doubt.
They died knowing freedom was worth the fight,
Shoulder to shoulder they stood and they died,
Regardless of race, colour or creed, they knew,
This war against tyranny they had to win through.
No matter what this modern age try to do to erase
the memory of these heroes, they will surely fail.
For if war comes again to threaten the world,
They will rise again to repel and prevail.
Lest we forget, which will be NEVER.
© Dave Timperley 04/07/2021
Copyright © Dave Timperley | Year Posted 2021
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