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Here Three Hundred Ninety Four Words Life Lesson One

. 394 Words . Here . “Life” 'Lesson 1' . Yes, be a living will! Offer everything away, just like we all owe our lives to this effort! You are a very spiritual, and beautifully constructed person just as you (H)onestly, and (O)pen-mindedly, and ever-(W)illfuly apply yourself towards any efforts that you prescribe for yourself to follow, that all work for another, all-included, for yourself and all life, as well as, for our, "Creator!" "Because, when you believe in something; this all can be anything that consistently works for you individually ("Especially when and if, and just exactly wherever we all can possibly be helpful to another, special, something or someone who are in essence, just like ourselves each individually, and ever-vitally") you; can apply yourself towards this effort with all of your heart and mind, and body; spiritedly, and ever-soulfully as well as emotionally, systematically, and ritualistically." So goes the "Religion" "Universal, a big chunk of truth, not to hard to swallow, not unless, this effort is not followed!" This becomes for us our right of passage throughout the moments of any day, leading on into infinity for everyone! Yes, just as long as any of us aren't hurting, or making any part or piece, or; person; within this life; suffer unnecessarily; we can apply ourselves to just exactly what we will. Chances are what we are applying ourselves towards, is the proper use of our human will. I believe that asking our Creator; to help us all to remain open; to allow for the next, thing, or person "Thriving Within" our hearts, and minds; well; this always; and in all ways, I am finding, keeps our hearts, and minds pure and young, at any age! ... Yes, because there is a "Mighty Bridge" continuing on into and all throughout this very "Moment." Moving on in "Peace Infinitely!" "Stretching Out" from shore to shore "Rising Up" over the quiet lands, of our "Hate" of our "Love" "Rising Up" over the "Muddy Waters" of our "Indifference" "Towards" "These Efforts." This "Bridge" is the "Mighty Bridge" of "The Conscious and Continuous Journey" into the "Full Acceptance" of our "Creator" of "Ourselves" of "All Life" for just how this "Is" and "Can "All" Be" with "All" of us "Working Together" "Ever-Diligently" "With" our "Creator" and with "All Life" "Consistently" "Continuously, and "Ever-Patiently." Our "Mighty" and Ever-Generous "Creator" will "Meet, and "Greet" us, "Here!"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 7/14/2020 2:12:00 PM
Wonderful and Wise. Who can sing, or watch swallows dive, without having touched or been touched by the wind of the universal life and love that blows free for us to feel. I THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT JANINE LEVER
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James Long
Date: 7/14/2020 2:17:00 PM
You are so very welcome. How r u today? Lol!

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