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Her Paris

"HER PARIS" I see you smiling with your eyes towards subjects you now engage yourself with. I see your hands moving across your phone. I see the plans you've made give you the happiness you chose not to have with me. others want you and you want them but...not me. you're in the ivory tower, I'm in a madhouse looking out the barred windows. I loved the way you used to look at me and how you told me everything. you don't look at me much now and everything you once would've told me is buried in silence. we used to do everything together but now you do it with others and that too, you bury. you spend your time with others that you've known longer. you don't answer my texts much anymore. you disappear when happiness is on your front porch. I remember when you said I used to make you happy. I still do... only, it's if I'm away from you. I still do... only, it's when I'm locked inside my mad box wondering, wondering, wondering and listening to Beethoven. I'd love you even if you stood outside my four cornered room while I hid with my cigarette and did nothing. I read once, "all lovers betray." is this what that meant? you heard of my suicide from a friend while you were out by a lake. you placed your beer down, took a drag from your smoke, propped up your fishing pole, told them you’d be back and walked to the edge of the water. you can see yourself in the ripples of your happiness as those you now spend your time with, those you answer your phone for, those you reply to, those you don't ignore and smile. I knew I'd still make you happy... even if it was with my death inside your Paris. By: Chicano Eddie

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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