Her Heart Is Vicious
I can count on one hand how many times I've hunted for sex
Otherwise I'm intreged by how she confronts my respect
With her neglectful insulting self worshiping eyes
With her slowly growing suprize by my burning insides
I've devised plans to manage like my damage control
But her heart's far too vicous without handles to hold
Walking the planets land my j's erode and vanish
Searching for hope that's not so much illusive as banished
I climb inside my newly aquired eyelids, hiding from sight
While hate takes love to court for pain's priracy rights
Most have a child deep inside that inhabits since birth
My kid swims the surface disturbing and splashing the surf
So she can observe how the mind of the confused works
Trying new ways of describing doing justice to words ..
Copyright © David Hendricks | Year Posted 2020
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