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her forbidden luv

Despite the peril, Our love isn’t sterile We are a fine pair… Then, strikes the despair… I’m sorry I was unprepared… Our love cannot be shared… I’m despaired…torn apart… From the start, have a heart Her touch of her hands… Are like birds fluttering and flocking…at ease, so please don’t stop flying today In such liberating lands Her voice vibrates vivaciously, interlocking vibes of vibrant violin vanities…echoing away Her poetic passion blossoms like maroon-pink flowers in spring… Her branches sink to the ground and the roots of her being is to bring… Down the forbidden, nostalgic and sorrow-ridden individuals she was infatuated with and had a special, unique adoration and ravishing devotion towards them She is a gracious, glorious cave-emboldened gem, shining triumphantly in the midst of Bethlehem Mending all wounds, meddling and fiddling with guitars of gratitude along the way She frolicked in the woods of my mindset and sipped away the regret…her tears overflowing with dismay But, then she fearlessly stood up after a grand fall She shall never be left in appall, her appealing, revealing voice of awe is her final battle call She wanted so immensely to be intimate with her true love The first kiss didn’t work out as planned and it came amiss to her heartstrings She plucked dandelions of lamentation from her lips of heaven Above She’s a mistress of distress and can come across as a butterfly with beautiful, lovely and precious wings Despite the peril, Our love isn’t sterile We made our share of love Then, strikes the despair of… Such an emaculate, endearing and shimmering snow dove Our love isn’t dull She is Queen of beauty after all She is crowned Queen of beauty after all

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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