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Her Birthday Song

You say I do not love you Because I am not steadfast Because I change with each day Because I shed aspects of yesterday And love you less with each new season But forget that I have loved you always Not less than before but in a new way I swore to love you a thousand ways Nay a million ways if time allows For when you think I love not That to another I have flown And will never come back I am simply loving you In a different way For a little while And while there Working a new way To show my devotion And my total commitment And to demonstrate my resolve To love you always no matter what Many are those I know who accuse me Of lacking a certain blind attachment Which ordinary lovers seem to exhibit Forgetting that I am not one of them I am the devotee, the slave of my beloved To make her happy and to keep her that way Is my natural state of mind, body and soul Reason why I return to her and follow her And sing her praises in the unlikeliest lieu At the unlikeliest hour of the day or night That is why I write to her even more often And always of my unquenchable love for her That is why I compose poems for her always The great majority of which you will never read That is why I sing them in my heart in my dreams That is why I am awake at this hour this minute Jotting down my musings for my beloved to read Come the glorious day that I know is her birthday For I know she expects me to yet again confirm ‘Whatever the critics say I never loved you any less’ For I care not what they say about things they know not!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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