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Her Being Blue Makes Me Bluer

her being blue makes me bluer she likes the ocean her ripples, curls and waves crash the shore never relenting she has fits and rages especially during a storm, during those times bringing in extra seaweed, seashells and debris to shore lately she's been having more fits and rages i should know ... I'm the shore tragically like a sad storybook there's been more of her wrath than the calm there's no middle ground with her it's high and low tides i should know i should know i see her, i see her i see what others don't see ... as the gulls fly above and wind breezing the palms the ocean glistens, glistening a shine on the surface, a beauty there's no disputing that below the surface, though turbulent, turbulent swallowing unpredictability in the face of blues with each wave i don't know if it's hello or goodbye that's the truth but i do know her being blue makes me bluer connie pachecho 2/15/17

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 2/15/2017 9:28:00 PM
who cares about this poem, i don't. two days drinking has that effect. did sleep in between 14 hours so that helps. regarding the bar there were many more interesting people i've met. bill does gutters and he's funny and has knowledge. he spoke about rh a- blood types and the effect it has on mothers bearing children with birth defects... mom was this blood type. but it's the bartender that captivates me. she's writing a book. i was surprised i spoke her language.
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