Heightened Tower Swoon-The Story of the Lady and the Toad
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I see your loves light
It all shines the Sun and Moon
And across its path so bright
Heightened towers swoon
Bathing in the shimmering pools
Designated water lilies spoons
Embracing the aqua Cool Waters
Toads dancing for those daughters
Wishing and awaiting a kiss from a toad/frog
To then whisk her away to his Enchanted Kingdom
A green/amber prince whose soon to be king
For he to see your light
As he smiles at the moon, sun and stars
Happy as he is his countenance so bright
Heavenly Towers swoon such a beautiful Majestic night awesome near and far
All Yours ( May 18th) Poetry Contest
SPONSORED by: Brian Strand
Copyright © James Edward Lee Sr. | Year Posted 2021
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