Heart's Craving
Dreaming like a school boy crush
Two souls, two hearts entangle in ambition
To feel love, its comfort of desire
Feeling our soul, the depths of dark
Forever its life,a dream drifter
A forever being of two souls
One heart in a passion of feeling
My heart be still its beat
Souring the blue skies of heaven
My soul it finds rest in your hands
Walk with me this journey to illusion
Heart's Craving,a moment of time
Awakening beneath the star's shine
A devine intervention into reality
Now I sleep in silence the quietness
Fulfill my distance is broken
Hardly touching, just being alive
My arms, they crave you every second
To feel your breath from across the room
To hear your voice as if my own
A true compassion,a Heart's Craving
Reflection of a burning love
Heart's Craving, immersion into the blue
Copyright © Steve Harvell | Year Posted 2022
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