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Heartier Stories

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Again, inspired by Sherri Mitchell's Sacred Instructions, especially p. 69.

To experience transparent intimate opportunities requires embracing vulnerable openness risks, co-investing in support of change within deeply ingrained win/lose culturally impassioned either/or barriers (racism sexism capitalism come immediately to risky mind) preventing compassionate intimacy from robustly co-arising, emerging resiliently interdependent freedom. We can hear in unspoken space, containing natural us re-opening spiritual we, inviting our most active secular hopes for calming reactive cultural fears, We can 20-20 see all co-operative enlightened integrity integrally awake, conscious of win/lose monoculturing clutter preventing climate salvation theory and ecological theology from re-connecting health with wealth bicamerally with one sacred living EarthMother Actively hoping to find win/win intimacy becoming more explicitly conscious of what lives in leftbrain dominant space So we can move through ourselves inside/outside co-acclimating climates to find one left/right harmonic Other interdependently co-present within Earth's natural/spiritual nondualistic musing and often amusing web of wellness systems, ego interior transparency greeting eco exterior vulnerability, curiosity meeting courage, longing feeding belonging, colonization bleeding creolization.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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