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Heartculture Therapy

HealthCare giving in a cognitive disability space includes cultural LeftHemisphere trauma, perhaps chronic autistic distress, disrupted thrival flow of wellness serotonin and safe happiness dopamine internally felt sensory Elder RightHemisphere spiritual nondualistic eco/theo-logical outside/inside warm womb-felt therapeutic win/win EgoChoices/EcoVoices of health and safety resilience. When we combine what we know about bicameral bilaterally contextual intelligence with what we have experienced as healthy-positive is also not pathologically negative dissociative anthro-supremacist languaged defiant behavior, LeftHemisphere Either/Or Dualistic monoculturing dominant Pedagogy of the [Left-Disabied] Oppressed We can better multiculturally mediate Restorative Justice by wrapping in Paulo Freire's nonviolent educational communication for a Left/Right bicameral liberation wellbeing dialectical experience. EcoFeminist neglectful marginalization follows AnthroSupremacist StraightWhite Patriarchal Anglo-MonoTheistic colonization histories Of ecopolitical BusinessAsUsual RightWing LeftBrain dominant nationalistic patrilinear chauvinistic monoculturing monotheistic Predative win/lose devolutionary lazy and uninformed impassioned revolutionary lose/lose ultimate pathological loss, uninformationary absence of healthy deep indigenous learning trends co-relationary EcoPolitically partisan confusion about where to draw a toxic line between sacrificing YHWH's disabled LeftBrain cognitive marginals to practical fascist realities of devolutionary win/lose patriarchal capitalist theory Supported by nationalistic individualistic StraightWhite Supremacist history prejudiced against RightBrain contextual interdependent intersectional inter-religious inter-transformatively connected strengths to know a retributively unjust mystery cruel win/lose monoculturing coldness abusive and/or neglectful dissociative environment when marginalized by one fistory Inhospitable to synergetically felt compassion co-invested feelings for natural/spiritual nonviolently indigenous wisdom Against our collective educational abuse of the unusually unchosen unsympathic less lyrically gifted creatures whom we must regretfully CancelCulture Other Alien UnClean UnSchooled UnCool Useless Hopelessly LeftBrain Unfit Disabled... Yet again, if we had sufficient curiosity and courage to gaze into EarthMother's disabled EarthTribal historic lives of prehistoric nonverbal oppression, where would we likely Fall to Win/Lose sins of punishing our RightBrain prominent kin? With more than sufficient sacred integrity to revolutionarily comprehend who and what is healthy Trust and indigenous natural/spiritual nondualistic wealthy Beauty Must and seasonally appropriate Luster All doing our win/win best Duty to restore EarthHealth Justice is to also redeem Earth's highest and best bluster of contextually intelligent sacredly panentheistic vocation co-invested infested fluster, compassion fluent communication, In deepest listening Time and widest speaking Rhyme Robust BiCameral Wealth communing passion's Health .

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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