Heart, Be Still
Heart, be still.
Your restlessness perturbs the tranquil seas.
Why beat that tumultuous rhythm?
Why reel under this conquering pain?
Why mourn the unbearable loss?
Why weep when pierced with arrowed words?
Why cringe at the stab of dagger looks?
Why pine for the sweet cup of comfort that does not last?
Heart, be still.
Your wearisome antics betray you.
But how change the chaotic strain?
How ease the pain?
How dry the tears?
How quench the thirst?
Where seek for rest to stop the raging of your fury?
Heart, be still.
Your ceaseless cries disturb the stillness of the deep.
Great are your surges, never satisfied..
Heart, be still.
The sun in his glory
Has shone to calm the tempest
‘tis he alone,
He alone stays the angry seas.
Copyright © Mich Nayve | Year Posted 2023
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