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Healthy Change

I suppose a healthy Taoist is a wealthy Change artist, designer researcher, mediator, facilitator, mentor, resilient liver more than a despondent dier. Taoism, like Zeroism, and Universal Unitarianism, is a multiculturally principled path toward restoring, and resiliently retaining, MotherEarth's natural AND spiritual empowerment Still left-hemisphere deductively dominating verbal voices in warm conversation with EarthTribe's blue/green sacred feelings organically ecofeminist holistically synergetic, interdependently integral economic and political Yang/Yintegrity co-invested, Which, in a gay white alliance with BlackFamily Lives Matter husbands, requires cooperative talent for noticing, and correcting unenlightened privilege, with a warm soft-felt sense of humor, "You don't act right half the time." Inviting empowering response, "But, look what a great transformational job you've done with my more enlightened half" Better co-invested in polyculturally correct GoldenRule outcomes, win-win sealed and certified economically sacred long-term resilience ecologically secular short- through long-term co-invested, infested with delight in sharing joy/sorrow full love journeys In green secular empowerment standing steely mountainous strong-- left-hemisphere patriarchal-- and yet also blue sacred enlightenment Tender mercies of graced Beauty qualitatively emerging evolving resolving involving democratically expanding health wealth nonzeroistic merging Whole QueenGaia Spirits of sacred not NonViolet Mundi standing bicamerally tall Left-hemisphere prominence flowing bilaterally in and out Right-bihemispheric dipolar co-arising integrity of here now bilateral Truth Beauty con-science Integral re-connection restoring ego-health within ecosystemic safe felt binomial balance InBetween Holy Trinities of EarthClimate empowering Justice equally invested in enlightened caregiving Health synonymous with Living EarthTribe Systems optimizing health/safety perennial resilience Long-term EarthPeace compassion co-present ego/eco inside/outside Left/Voiced actively mediating sufficient fair ecosystemic outside RightHealth FeelingChoice Equitably democratic healthy economic and political GoldenRules of win/win outcome ratios outgoing choices of incoming voices Quite a bit less patriarchally conflicted about short personal lifetime v long-term EarthClimate multigenerational multicultural healthcare commitments In solidarity with EgoCentered Resilient Family Resonant Community Holy Communions, steeped in multicultural blue/green integrity Empowering organic gardens, enlightening ecofeminist farmers cooperative holistic nonhistoric-- merely everyday win/win DNA rethinkers Sufficiently endowed with indigenously preverbal naturally enspirited Wisdom for health tribal wealth governance Democratically empowering healthy Taoists enlightening wealthy Change artists, designers researchers mediators facilitators mentors more than degenerative nonviolent noncommunicators On our best days also resiliently dynamic livers seeking win/win multicultural change in resonant climates breathing wealthy out and healthy in.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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