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Health Education Practices

Spiritual practices, like instinctively natural habits and customs and rituals, teach powers of WinWin healthy intention and darker powers of WinLose toxic pretensions of egocentric Selves and anthrocentric Societies Anthrogentric Enculturations, emergent evolutions of an individual life among a species' regenerational/degenerational lives. A responsible and cooperatively authoritative Earth-centered EarthGentric Goal for 2020 re-creation of healthy-wealth, to invite more LeftBrain examined practices, thoughts, positive attitude gratitudes, for RightBrain emergent emotions, sacred intuitions, inductions, deep ecological insights. The U.S. and China and Russia RightBrain spiritual experiences of rabid LeftBrain totalitarianism are filled with suppressed secularizing fears, states, societies, cultures of RightWing hate-marketing and retributive war-mongering threats and punishments of just wars turned sickeningly UnHoly Jihad. Where limits are placed on restoring freedoms of healthy integrity, against cooperatively organizing and re-organizing, managing labor producer-owned cooperatives linked arm-in-arm with all-consuming EarthSoul networks, democratically recreating WinWin Left-Right HealthyWealth. MegaPowers of LeftBrain totalitarianism fundamentalistically monoculturingly reflect ego-halflife as a place ruled by competing separations to avoid LoseLose Emptiness vacuum of Future ReGenerative Hope, despairing absence of CoPresent Promise. WinWin Left with Right mindbodies continue peacefully revolting reweaving restorative justice consciousness with permaculturing designs for Great Transition Towns inviting polypathic Community Cooperative Wisdom Models of Paradise Rewinding through creolizing remixed WinWins away from further colonizing ritualistic repetitions, piestistic fake-patriotisms, repressions of an essential negative truth shared by all more hopeful polyculturing outcomers, If we continue to Lose ecopolitically we continue to Lose healthy-wealth familiar habitability, and vice-versa, inside as outside, socially above as individually below, and vice-versa. EitherYang OrYin as BothAnd, and restoratively therapeutic vice-versa. Deep spiritual practices, like instinctively ecological habits and customs and rituals, teach powers of WinWin healthywealth intention.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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