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Health and safety

1980 we began to learn ( about health and safety) Not at every turn.' As the decades went, its demands just grew.' From Those quite acceptable, no one realised the end extent Mind you.' There was always, some charge; and info gathered? Sheets of triplicate paper in bleather! Still it was all for the good of everyone! So you buckled Down and got stuff done.' And if you didn't it was understood.! You could be a bad Human..You really could?? Then 2020 there was a scare.' Victims were falling in China Just about everywhere' People in 'white boiler suits' sprayed mysterious chemicals Could these be bought? Yet no info on what the substances could be Turned out as soap and water.!! Which was almost free.' The media stalked hospital Wards grim and extolling This untoward, and most debilitating thing soon Doc's were on t v' to moan and wring.' Hands and The last ounce of will, from the trusting (herds?) That word was ( the trigger one) Does this all seem absurd? Next you must lock yourselfs away, don't be fools? or worse, bad humans.? You should 'just'follow some rules,) meanwhile real herio's would be On an anti-dose, working while skne nurses on tik tok' were 'twerking?' This wonder 'drug ciuld be years away?' Maybe a decade.!! We'll Be locked away.?? And yet thanks to this 'fast paced situation' after just eight weeks into 2021 There was a (great sensation) the boffins had pulled of a coup.' Thats something made up..In a word ir two.' This was straight 'from dark winter' an old exersize a thing by milatary In the U S! Wow What a surprise.? There is a colonel, i think James Bush, he got unwilling..When it came To the push.! The rest is history (of which we're part) and a side-lined reality, i ask All reading will you do your part??

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 2/3/2024 12:10:00 PM
So, dear joe....i've known for many-uh-moon that the candy shop wuz gonna close...hence, mine trust in Jehovah God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ first and foremost....oh yesss; mine feminine, love poems and memoirs, oh yes; let's not forget, the candy shop (my children are right between the feminine and candy)
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Joe Maverick
Date: 2/3/2024 2:58:00 PM
Good to know you trust in the Lord James, His reality is the Only eternal one.' Blessings My friend.'
Date: 2/2/2024 10:50:00 PM
The start of the "coming of the beast", Joe. WHO and the New World Order came in to view with the Covid Scam to begin manipulating to world by pushing fear so they could get power over the masses. It terrible what is happening to our whole planet by the riches people all around the world. They want us to be slaves to their every whim and are creating a world where we are dependent on those in power. I'm running on here; it just irks me to the core. Good message in your words today, Joe. Bill
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Joe Maverick
Date: 2/2/2024 11:07:00 PM
Thank you Bill feel free to fill my page with comments, its always Good to hear immutable sense.! Btw if you Recall, during that deception..Law was set Aside, and rules were introduced..(ergo lawlessness)

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