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Healing Could it be possible for love to heal the troubled, the wounded? All those damaged souls, who’s ghosts haunt their every hour! Could love bring them back from the brink of emotional extinction? Give them back some of the innocence they, at onetime, knew? When one thinks of the genocide of our First Nations People, Think of the genocide of their spirit, those remaining souls. Could it be possible for love to heal the troubled, the wounded? All those damaged souls, who’s ghosts haunt their every hour! When one thinks of the genocide of a child’s psyche, hers or his. One has to wonder what part love plays in this destructive game man plays as he molests, sexually abuses, emotionally, mentally, verbally strips naked, to the very marrow, the essence of a child? of Nations, of the first Peoples residing upon this little blue planet, past, present and future. Will love give them a glimpse of a future? B. J. “A ” 2 May 9th 2017

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 12/13/2018 7:13:00 PM
There is more love on this earth and goodness that we never see.We live in a negative age. Beauty is hidden from us. Love heals all. So does forgiveness and doing good for others always. Liked your poem?
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Date: 2/2/2018 1:52:00 PM
Oh my gosh, this poem speaks the truth. This is how I see your poem my friend. Have a nice day.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 2/5/2018 5:16:00 PM
Enjoy your evening my friend.
Atfield Avatar
William J. Jr. Atfield
Date: 2/3/2018 5:07:00 PM
Is not “ this poem speaks the truth. ” the fact !!! Even Chief Dan George’s Daughter {{ one you would have thought could not have been subjected to such atrocities }} did not escape the ravages of Christianity and white mans greed for power and possession . “ have a nice day my friend. ”, Back at you my Dear . B. J. “A” 2 {{ Bill . }}
Date: 11/3/2017 8:18:00 AM
Oh my god...This one's so intense...And yes .. It's pretty much possible for love to heal the wounded and the troubled..Keep spreading love through your writings. You are no doubt a wonderful writer..Got to learn so much from you! Thank you so much..For posting such good contents..Keep the good work up!!
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Sharma Avatar
Lekha Sharma
Date: 11/4/2017 4:25:00 AM
You know.. You shouldn't stop writing.. As you do not need any special kind of stuff to write... Just pen down your heart as you do.. And you are way too much creative.. When it comes to followers.. They may increase or decrease.. But I believe that writes like you can reach great heights..!!
Atfield Avatar
William J. Jr. Atfield
Date: 11/3/2017 1:17:00 PM
Dear Lekha Sharma : Once again Lekha, I must thank you for stopping by and for giving me a glimpse “ This one's so intense... ” at my stuff, but most of all, for a glimpse into the heart of who you are “ Oh my god... ”, “ Got to learn so much from you! ” . I am most grateful for “ You are no doubt a wonderful writer.. ” although, I must say, I am far from ever being deserving of such praise, but I do thank you !!!, for thinking and saying so !!! . There is no need Lekha, to “ Thank you so much..For posting such good contents.. ” and if this “ Keep spreading love through your writings.” is what you believe I am doing ???, great !!!
Atfield Avatar
William J. Jr. Atfield
Date: 11/3/2017 1:16:00 PM
Strange that you would write “ Keep the good work up!! ” for I have to be honest, as you may have observed ???, the number of entries over the past six months has dwindled down to six pieces and the number of followers interested in my stuff {{ for the most part has declined }} are down to two digits. Except for you three {{ Lekha Sharma, Patricia Cresswell and Richard Lamoureux }} that is, taking the time and effort to comment and express your thoughts and feelings about my stuff. It seems to me that it is time to wind down besides this old brain, my memories hoard seems to have emptied themselves of any kind of material worthy of writing about ??? Anyway Lekha, spread your wings, sing out loud your songs, have many adventures and enjoy the journey !!! As Always Bill .
Date: 10/3/2017 1:05:00 PM
Extremely thought filled poem hinting to love as the ultimate healer. I think it depends on whose doing the defining. Did the authorities, churches, teachers believe they were destroying the First Nations whole culture because of their skewed definition of love? I am glad you brought up this conundrum.
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Cresswell Avatar
Patricia Cresswell
Date: 10/3/2017 9:42:00 PM
You are most welcome my pleasure.
Atfield Avatar
William J. Jr. Atfield
Date: 10/3/2017 2:02:00 PM
I want to thank you Patricia, for being one of few followers of my site, lately !!! But most of all Patricia, for being one of very few who take the time to read or comment on my stuff . I am able to understand this dilemma with my site, for I do not play the reciprocal game, nor do I have have time to follow others sites or comment on their poetry. I also realize that I do not do fluff and that my subject matter is pretty heavy. I also know that I do not have the technical skills of a true poet. What comes out of my subconscious end up on the page verbatim, unedited and I never or seldom see it again. That is unless someone, like you, brings it to my attention . Bill .

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry