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He Wont Buy the Cow If the Milk Is Free

Jeannine waited for Harold to make his move She wanted a diamond ring, and thought he was in the groove He said there was no hurry. What did he have to prove? He was a charmer, and his lines were smooth. He won’t buy the cow if the milk is free Said her mom, her uncle, and her weird Daddy. She ignored their warnings, with a tee-hee-hee. After all, she told her sisters, they are not me. Harold has never proposed, but Jeannine has done it twice. She swallowed her pride and neither time was really nice. He is a fool and ignorant, said his own Grandma Rice. But Jeannine did not want her unwelcome advice. She bought several bride gowns through the years. That she might never get married was one of her fears. Harold eventually got married, after fifty years of teasing. To someone other than Jeannine, which was not very pleasing.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 8/15/2022 11:23:00 AM
All the fun without the commitment - for both of them! Aloha!
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 8/15/2022 11:42:00 PM
True enough

Book: Reflection on the Important Things