He Laughs Like a Hyena
Uncle Jake laughs like a laughing hyena! Crazy as you’ve ever seen.
I did not know cousin Chet well, but thought this was mean.
He truly does! Said my husband-to-be, who was adding to it now.
Some people think my own witch-cackle is more than a wow.
Which one is he? I asked, looking around the reunion hall.
“Not here yet,” said a cousin whose mouth is not small.
She gave me the “low down” on every kith and kin.
I wondered what kind of hell I had fallen in.
“there he is!” Chet said. On the couch near the TV.
I ran over to take a peek, and could readily see…
Why they thought he laughed like a hyena, for a hyena he be.
Did these potential relatives not have eyes that could see?
Copyright © Caren Krutsinger | Year Posted 2023
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