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He Is In Command

******** I can not change the Master Fore He is the Plan ------ Threw out the ides' of Destiny He has always' Been in Command -------- He commanded the Rocks' -And- He famished the Trees' Some-times' they did not Bare their fruit And the Leaf's feel from The Trees' ------ And yes, Gad gave gifts' Of everything With the greatest of ease ------- He Ordained that His Children should come home That they should never be alone ------ To leave this land And to take Amen To His Throne For they were His FIRST BORN ----- Fore they would finally Meet Jesus And live in Parity Till the 'END' coming To the brink of Eternity ******* To finally seek The Lord Our GOD GF

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 6/17/2012 2:38:00 PM
Good afternoon Gary, believe it or not, it is always nice to hear from you... Your point is reached across. I don't think we can change destiny at all. I love the opening of your poem.. also this line stands alone.." To the brink of eternity" we all know eternity is everything... thank you... hope you are well, and thank you very much for thinking about me today. It means a lot.. enjoy your fathers day~xox~PD
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