He Is Always There
You may not believe in Miracles
But I for one sure do
I know a man whose life was hell
And followed Satan's dream.
Through drugs and every vice you could name
He fit into Satan's scheme
But God just waited and smiled
He knew it was only for a while.
The day did come this man saw the light
Satan let down his guard
God stepped up held out His hand
And took Michael back into His arms.
Not only had he been saved
But God had His own Dream
And Michael fit the profile
In His Apostleship it seems.
Yes the man who had been through hell
Is now changing lives
With his writings he can take you
Through all of the filth and vile
With his poems you will weep
And see another world
From where many of those we love
Never will return.
He hasn't made any excuses
He admits to it all
That's why in words and actions
He can now stand tall.
With his health he now pays
But his mind is clear
He can walk us through Satan's hell
And prove that God still cares.
Satan's loss is our gain
God works in many ways
Free will can be a blessing
Or it can be a curse.
Copyright © Marycile Beer | Year Posted 2008
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