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He Friend Me On Fb

he friend me on fb i have no idea how my ex found me like a sniffing dog he did can you imagine that king of the blood hounds on my trail and on my nerves now after all the pain he put me through he wants to friend me on his face book page what am i suppose to do what would you do for a long while, i looked at the request noting the time and date hoping not, praying not like the words can come to life and bite me like a snake i was scared i'm not going to lie i been snake bitten with him before many, many times countless times crying myself to sleep so what's a girl suppose to do one thing i know trust me on this he's not the olive branch type of guy he doesn't go out on a limb he's in it for himself so i couldn't understand the fb request but you know me one of many blond airheads of his and i bet he has many, many i went to his site anyway why i don't know but they should now cut my fingers off for penance anyway, anywho, anyfool i came so close to pressing the accept button and sending him a message can you believe that me airhead trying to reconcile no he needs to do better than that yo mama mama you up in the heavens listening with big ears of yours listening to all this ready to gossip i know you i know you mama get back on your seat whats a girl suppose to do funny bunny got bit by a snake and funny bunny still likes him men, men, men they get in your hair mess it all up and women miss that just telling the truth but don't tell him that please mama you having fun up there please put that voodoo doll away for now and please sing to me in my time of need connie pachecho 1/12/17

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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