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Have You Ever

Have you ever wonders the streets at night? When the darkness is so deep it’s like trying to look through silk Have you run your fingers along the leaves of low hanging branches? When their covered with a think blanket of due I have Walked hours in the silky night When clouds covered the sky Let the moon guyed me Trusting my soul to were my feet go Have you ever craved for someone you could never have? When they are so close you can feel their breath on your skin Have you ever wanted to lean in close; taste their lips agents yours? Warm and soft tasting of them I have Lured them in with whispers in their ear Gentle squeezes as I run my hands over their shoulders Tasting them as I gently push my lips to theirs Have you ever felt alone? Like you’re the only person on the planet Have you ever wonders why they just pick at you? Your too fat to thin not tall enough not short enough your clothes are wrong your shoes to small I have Felt so alone that I took flesh from bone Let blood run deep down drain wholes Let the picking eat away the flesh that was left Have you ever beat your fist into a wall? So that the tears welling behind your eyes would not fall Have you ever hugged your dog at night? When their was no one around who wanted to comfort you I have Beat my fist into a wall till the skin was raw Night after night when then the walls took the abuse Hugged by dog so tight I was positive I would suffocate him
Have you ever woken feeling new? All that’s happens just made you stronger Have you ever realized the value of your own gold? Look at your assets what your brain knows I have Iv woken feeling new when the truing point came I stopped lessening to what others said I stopped the hate from feeding on me For I am not going to be what they want For I am Me I am strong Smart Beautiful For I am me and that all i can be

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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